GQI 'Best Student Paper' Award at APS March Meeting (2009)

Fame and fortune could be yours. Tell your supervisor to nominate you:

Once again, GQI will award two "Best Student Paper" prizes at the APS March Meeting (2009): one for theory and one for experiment. The awards, each consisting of a $500 cash prize, are sponsored by Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Canada, and the Institute for Quantum Computing at the University of Waterloo, respectively. All undergraduate and graduate students who are both first author and presenters of an oral or poster presentation are eligible.

To be registered for the competition, a brief nomination letter from the student's supervisor stating that the results described in the presentation are substantially the student's own work and that the student is currently enrolled at a degree-granting institute, must be sent via email to David DiVincenzo at divince (atatat) before the March meeting commences.

The two equally weighted criteria for the award are quality of scientific results and quality of the presentation. Judging will be undertaken by an ad hoc committee consisting of senior members of GQI.


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