UW 16, USC 13

Note from the weekend: nothing feels better than beating USC


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What about proving P=NP?

By jeff davis (not verified) on 21 Sep 2009 #permalink

Considering that you now have both our offensive and defensive coordinators who know our entire playbook, our starting quarterback and All-American cornerback were out, our running back had migraines, we were on the road, despite these factors, you still had a good victory, but good luck for the rest of the season...

Mark is reminding me once again why it is great to beat USC! Thanks Mark :) (A few years ago I lived with a bunch of USC med students, one of whom was a rabid USC fan. This was 2003 when Cal beat USC in triple overtime. Oh that was fantastic, hearing the ups and downs of that game..particularly the downs!)

Well, don't ever tell Todd Brun this :) , but I chose USC for two reasons (with even weight):

1) the football dynasty of Pete Carroll
2) the budding quantum information program (around 2004) in the electrical engineering department

The best part of the game actually involved Pete. Our seats were on the USC side, very low down. Throughout the game Carroll kept whining (okay lobbying) the refs for calls. At one point a play went under review and as the refs go off to listen to the people upstairs, yep, here comes old Pete again to whine to the refs. I think I may have been among the first to start yelling at him to sit down. Pretty soon the entire crowd is yelling and booing him. He backs away a bit, the crowd dies down, and then...back he comes! The crowd goes ape yelling at him and he flashes us a big grin. In spite of the fact that as a Cal bear fan and UW employee I am required to hate USC, I thought that was pretty cool and could understand why people like to have him as a coach (as in "I'll lobby for you, yes, but remember this is all a game and having fun is important too.")