QIP 2010 Coming Up

As you can imagine, due to extenuating circumstances, I won't be able to attend QIP in Zurich. Luckily my collaborator Steve Flammia will be there to give the talk on our recent work on adiabatic protocols (arXiv:0905.0901 and arXiv:0912.2098.) I know there will probably be a few bloggers attending QIP, but if anyone is interested in making guest posts here on the Pontiff about the conference (anonymously, using your real name, or any combination thereof) please send me an email (see contact tab above).

Anyone know if the conference talks will be taped? Enjoy Zurich all, but make sure to bring enough money :)

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The talks of QIP 2009 were supposed to be put online at some point. It never happened...
It would be great if it could be the case this time.

They have asked permission to "podcast" (or record) the talks.

Hi Dave,

The talks are videotaped. I hope this time will be available online.

Awesome good to hear about the videotaping. I can't wait to see Max break the projector.

Hi all,

I am a postdoc at ETH and one of the local organizers.

The talks should be online pretty soon (within days or at most weeks). They were indeed recorded and practically all speakers agreed to make them available online. They will appear on the official conference website www.qip2010.ethz.ch.

By Oscar Dahlsten (not verified) on 24 Jan 2010 #permalink