links for 2007-12-17


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Zoom-Whirl Orbits in Black Hole Binaries Title of the week from PRL. (tags: science physics articles theory gravity) Phase-Slip Interferometry for Precision Force Measurements "We demonstrate a novel atom interferometric force sensor based on phase slips in the dynamic evolution of a squeezed-…
Hamlet - The Text Adventure "It's so unfair! You're in trouble again, just because you called your uncle - or rather, your new stepfather, Claudius - a usurping git." (tags: games internet literature silly) YouTube - The Killers - Don't Shoot Me Santa Silly spoof Christmas song video, featuring…
Nonlocal Quantum Effects with Bose-Einstein Condensates New theoretical resutls having to do with measurements of particles in two independent condensates show some cool quantum effects (tags: physics quantum science articles) Finite-Temperature Collective Dynamics of a Fermi Gas in the BEC-BCS…
Anachronista: The Simpsons Bayeux Tapestry Couch Scene It's missing the comet... (tags: silly television video) Good Math, Bad Math : Introduction to Linear Regression The basics of data fitting. (tags: science math) Quantum Decoherence Reduction by Increasing the Thermal Bath Temperature A…