links for 2007-12-19


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Quantum Hoops We're still not sure whether they won or lost. (tags: basketball academia sports physics movies) slacktivist: King and Huck The difference between the religious language of Martin Luther King and Mike Huckabee. (tags: religion politics US society culture) Coping With the Crunch…
The Year In Film 2007 | The A.V. Club I don't see enough movies to do a sensible "Year's Best" list any more, but the AV Club is one of the most reliable review sites out there. (tags: movies) Are We Not Men? Jon Zobenicaoverthinks Playboy and Maxim (tags: culture gender journalism sex society…
Before I sign on to this, I want to know what happens when the vehicles become self aware and take over the planet: Vehicles That Talk to Each Other Know What Lanes They're In from A standard GPS receiver has an average 2D-positioning accuracy of about 13 meters. While this precision…
Euler's Constancy A short biography of and tribute to the mathematician Leonhard Euler, who did a bit of everything (tags: math academia physics) Scientists 'weigh' tiny galaxy halfway across universe Six billion light years away, 1/100th the mass of the Milky Way (tags: astronomy news science…