links for 2008-01-07


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Bad Baby Names - A Boy Named Sue, and a Theory of Names - John Tierney - New York Times "During his 1969 concert at San Quentin prison, Johnny Cash proposed a paradigm shift in the field of developmental psychology. " (tags: kid-stuff psychology science society culture music) Gen Ed Reform --…
Another dumb article on why spaceflight is bad for you -- "But really, people, think! This doesn't mean that space flight is intrinsically dangerous. It means that badly shielded tin-can environments that aren't spun for gravity are a bad idea. And that is quite a different…
BBC News - Would more holiday be good for America? "Whenever citing Americans' acceptance of the longer hours they work or their lack of paid leave, the cliche is to say it goes back to the country's Puritan heritage or the Protestant work ethic. I disagree. I think it comes from raw fear." (tags…
Relativity: Measuring the speed of light « Skulls in the Stars A history of experiments through the ages. (tags: precision-measurement experiment history science) Nanocrystals could help recover waste heat - "[T]he thermoelectric figure of merit (ZT) for the ingots increased…