links for 2008-05-20


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Backreaction: Experimental Traffic Jams More detail on the Japanese simulation of Washington, DC. (tags: physics science experiment video youtube) What is the matter with the universe? - Telegraph An article on CP violation experiments, which is pretty good, but might be dated=-- I thought…
Web Log -- Charles Bernstein: "Doping Scandal Rocks Poetry 'Cooper pairs' can be found in insulators as well superconductors They explain superconductivity, and also some insulating behavior-- is there anything they can't do? (tags: physics quantum experiment science news) Have we sealed the…
In Kansas, Climate Skeptics Embrace Green Energy - Series - The power of framing in action. (tags: science politics environment energy society culture religion media communication nytimes) Physics Buzz: Twin Paradox a Paradox in Low-Earth Orbit "Relativity enthusiasts will be…
Cocktail Party Physics: books, books, books galore! "A couple of weeks ago, an editor asked me to name my favorite science book from 2010 for a year-end round-up her magazine was putting together. My incredulous response: "You mean you want me to pick just one?" Because let's face it, 2010 has…