links for 2008-07-27


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World Science Festival Blog Of course they have a blog-- it's 2008, for God's sake... (tags: blogs science society culture education theater television movies art physics biology chemistry environment) Pharmaceuticals in the Environment, Information for Assessing Risk » Home "The database…
The Science and Entertainment Exchange: The X-Change Files: Tony Stark's Science "While the film naturally took some liberties with the details -- sci-fi has the luxury of not having to pass peer review -- Marvel Studios nonetheless cared enough about plausibility to ask the Science &…
Sarah Palin Baby Name Generator: Make Your Own Palin Baby Name "Chad Orzel, if you were born to Sarah Palin, your name would be: Bush Gator Palin" (tags: politics US internet silly) / Science fiction and fantasy / Blog posts / A Chance to Show Off: the first line game "Not long after I…
Confessions of an Idiosyncratic Mind: Donald Westlake, R.I.P. With links galore. (tags: books writing mystery) A question of mass? « Physics and cake "The Penrose interpretation of quantum mechanics... ...states that the mass of a system affects the system's ability to maintain quantum…