links for 2008-08-02 []


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You may or may not have noticed the absence of the "Links for [Date]" posts the last couple of days. There's been some sort of glitch at, and they didn't auto-post the way they usually do. You may or may not have missed them, but I do, so below the fold you'll find the big long list of…
nanoscale views: March APS Meeting II The latest from New Orleans. (tags: physics meetings science news) Whatever » The Problem With 1,000 True Fans "The problem is that Kevin Kelly, in his enthusiasm, wants to make it seem that getting 1,000 people to give you $100 is no great trick." (tags:…
Angels and Demons Frequently asked questions about antimatter at CERN. Dan Brown has a lot to answer for. (tags: books physics science stupid) Major physics breakthrough in understanding supersolidity The weirdness continues, in this remarkable uninformative press release. (tags: physics low-…