links for 2008-08-05 []


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A result of much quantum coolness out today: arXiv:0807.4935 (scirate): "Quantum Communication With Zero-Capacity Channels" by Graeme Smith and Jon Yard. Strange things they are going on when we try to use our quantum cell phones, it seems. Quantum cell phones, what the hell? Read on... You know…
Mars Lander Succumbs to Winter - Farewell, Phoenix, thou good and faithful servant. (tags: space planets science astronomy news) Deep Secrets of 'The Daily Show' - City Room Blog - "Mr. Remnick asked the writers and producers what a typical day at "The Daily Show" is like… / Science fiction and fantasy / Stories / Shade by Steven Gould Teleporteurs sans frontieres. (tags: SF stories) Search Magazine - On God P.J. O'Rourke does his best Gregg Easterbrook impression. (tags: science religion stupid) Built on Facts : Falling from Heaven " If my opinion is…
Mark Batty Publisher/ Books/ Description Bedtime reading for future font geeks. (tags: books silly language publishing) Where to Watch Phoenix' Landing - The Planetary Society Blog | The Planetary Society "There are a bazillion sources of information on what's up with Phoenix as its landing…