links for 2008-09-02


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Making Light: Why RMS Titanic Didn't Have Enough Lifeboats "Sixteen hundred people died in the Titanic disaster because no one had worked out the implications of tuned circuits." (tags: history science blogs gadgets) The TNR Q&A: Charles Barkley "People can always bring up stuff. When I get…
How to get a college roommate you can live with First and foremost, don't be a jerk yourself. (tags: academia education social-science psychology news) Want to Lower the Drinking Age? Hope You Like Spam :: Inside Higher Ed :: Higher Education's Source for News, Views and Jobs MADD-- all class,…
(As I gear up for back to school, here's a little gem reprinted from the SCQ) - - - MY NEW GRADUATE COURSE OFFERING By Vince LiCata Title: Introduction to My Research Area Course Instructor: Me T Th 10:30 -12:00, Willams 205 Office Hours: by appointment Course Syllabus: The course will consist of…
The Quantum Pontiff : Wisely Using Your Advantage "In other words, what is your probability of ruin, given a starting bankroll of D dollars, an advantage of p, and a target of T dollars?" (tags: science math statistics blogs) Optics basics: Coherence ë Skulls in the Stars A very nice…