links for 2008-09-24


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slacktivist: Racism and litigation "[N]o, it's not an overstatement or an uncharitable characterization to say that anyone swallowing this ACORN-scapegoating is insane and a racist bastard. This is a baseless assertion that begins with the argument that poor people and black people are the powers…
Swans on Tea » Doomed to Fail "A thought experiment that finds a contradiction has only shown that the transforms have not been properly applied -- the author has made a math error, or made a bad assumption" (tags: physics relativity science education) Dark Matter Searches at Colliders - part…
Jobs, News and Views for All of Higher Education - Inside Higher Ed :: More Doctors of Philosophy (and Science) The number of Ph.D.'s awarded goes up, but most of the increase is among foreign-born researchers. (tags: academia US education) Confessions of a Community College Dean: Access and…
The missing research program for space colonization -- "No amount of data about how the human body reacts to zero-G is going to answer the important question, which is: how does the human body react to extended periods under fractional gravity--like the moon's 1/6 G or Mars's .…