links for 2008-09-28


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Information Processing: The Age of Computing "Historians of science have seen fit to ignore the history of the great discoveries in applied physics, engineering and computer science, where real scientific progress is nowadays to be found. Computer science in particular has changed and continues…
Schneier on Security: Lessons from Mumbai "If there's any lesson in these attacks, it's not to focus too much on the specifics of the attacks. " (tags: news society security blogs) Does the broken windows theory hold online? "Does the aesthetic appearance of a blog affect what's written by the…
immlass: You have no privacy. Get over it. "Facebook may be sleazy and selling more of your information than you like to advertisers, but the idea it wants to steal your IP and do something with it seems vanishingly unlikely. I suspect the change in TOS has something to do with protecting their…
First-ever spring break quidditch tour March 22-29 The Middlebury Quidditch Club hits the road. (tags: academia books sports silly SF) Tenure, the Movie :: Inside Higher Ed :: Higher Education's Source for News, and Views and Jobs "I'm not sure how much I'll expect accuracy out of a Luke Wilson…