links for 2008-10-01


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Abstruse Goose » How Stuff Works "Science killed my unicorns." (tags: science comics silly abstruse-goose) / Science fiction and fantasy / Blog posts / Hugo Nominations Including a few links to recommended-reading lists. (tags: movies SF literature books hugos) Physics and Physicists…
Sarah Palin Baby Name Generator: Make Your Own Palin Baby Name "Chad Orzel, if you were born to Sarah Palin, your name would be: Bush Gator Palin" (tags: politics US internet silly) / Science fiction and fantasy / Blog posts / A Chance to Show Off: the first line game "Not long after I… help - arXiv Support FAQ "This FAQ addresses questions raised in response to Cornell University Library's work to develop a diversified funding model to support arXiv. In a nutshell: We are working with peer libraries to investigate voluntary contributions from institutions that are the… / Science fiction and fantasy / Blog posts / Making Lists: Mindblowing SF by Women and People of Color "[S]ince someone always finds a way to claim that they just don't know where to find such or who the women and/or people of color writing in the genre are, I hope that this list will go a…