links for 2008-10-07

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A Tribute to Paul Newman | Popdose "What the world will miss most about Paul Newman isn't his artistry as an actor and a director, both of stage and film, but it is his kindness and all-around stature as a good man." (tags: movies society culture) Study of Standardized Admissions Tests Is Big…
What higher education costs § Unqualified Offerings "There's a lot of talk going around about the cost of higher education.  Let's look at some numbers in the state university system here, which focuses on undergraduate education." (tags: academia education economics blogs unqualified-offerings…
Pure Pedantry : PhD Complete Rates "As opposed to completion gaps, I am much more concerned with the fact that about a third of students are not finishing their PhDs. Why is that?" (tags: academia science education gender race social-science) Learning Curves: You Will Be So Screwed When We Get…
The dark side of animation "To test their hypothesis, the team recorded two versions of a PowerPoint lecture. The presentations differed only in the presence of animation to incrementally present information. They then showed students either the animated or non-animated lecture and then tested…