links for 2009-01-03


More like this / Science fiction and fantasy / Blog posts / Free e-books from Will Shetterly and Emma Bull Two really good books, for free. What more could you want? (tags: SF books literature) D.F.W., R.I.P. :: Inside Higher Ed :: Higher Education's Source for News, Views and Jobs "For a young writer… / Science fiction and fantasy / Blog posts / Goodbye, Dortmunder: Donald Westlake's Get Real "There couldn't really be a conclusion to these books -- what could it possibly be? The gang will just keep on forever looking for one more job to keep them going. The regulars in OJs will keep on…
Unscientific America: The Table of Contents | The Intersection | Discover Magazine 2009 promises to be a good year for science-y books by people with blogs. (tags: books science social-science society politics intersection culture) / Science fiction and fantasy / Blog posts / Is the…
Holiday Guide 2008: Gifts - Best Books of 2008 ( Only three science books, but at least they have a Science category. (tags: books review science society culture) Mike the Mad Biologist : Framing Good Transit Policy Poorly: The Efficiency Argument "I don't like the…