links for 2009-04-05


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Jay Wexler, a colleague of Randy Barnett at Boston University law school, has compiled the first study of how funny each Supreme Court justice is. He did so by counting up the number of times each one of them said something that provoked laughter during oral arguments in the 2004-2005 term. And to…
Make it Sir: Star Trek's Patrick Stewart to be knighted | SCI FI Wire Sadly, William Shatner is not British. (tags: sf silly television movies theater world awards) Are Texas' auto safety inspections worth the hassle? | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Latest News "Texas is one of…
Unscientific America: The Table of Contents | The Intersection | Discover Magazine 2009 promises to be a good year for science-y books by people with blogs. (tags: books science social-science society politics intersection culture) / Science fiction and fantasy / Blog posts / Is the…
Less-Convergent Culture « Easily Distracted "Here's what I find as far as standard commercial outfits [for Halloween costumes]. If you're female and a kid and you want to be a superhero, you're basically out of luck unless Wonder Woman is your favorite. " (tags: kid-stuff gender stupid comics…