links for 2009-05-17

  • A brilliant book that ought to be much better known than it is.
  • "Inspired by Raymond Chandler detective novelsâand the hazy L.A. vibe of Robert Altmanâs brilliant Chandler adaptation The Long Goodbyeâthe Coens have created a character not far removed from Elliott Gouldâs Marlowe in the Altman movie, a laid-back gumshoe dragged reluctantly into a case his conscience (and curiosity) quietly implores him to solve. Just as Marlowe would much rather hang out with his cat and the commune of free-spirited (read: frequently topless) hippie women next door, The Dude would like nothing more than the peace of a hot bath, a doob, and the soothing sounds of bellowing whales piped through his Walkman headphones. But the funniest running joke of The Big Lebowski is that someone is always there to drop the proverbial ferret in the water: The laziest man in Los Angeles County, the ultimate in live-and-let-live hippie pacifism, is constantly being pushed out of his shell. "

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