New Adventures in Retail

Over at, they've unveiled the new store, enabling you to buy your books via your favorite SF publisher. It's pretty bare-bones at the moment, so the most worthwhile feature is probably the special picks feature, where they collect together lists of books recommended by their most popular bloggers. Such as, for example, Kate's Lord of the Rings related recommendation list.

In a similar vein, something I only noticed today (via an ad on my own blog) that may have been around for a while is the Seed store, collecting all the books reviewed by the Corporate Masters over the past few years. This would be a useful place to visit if you were, for example, putting together a "Year's Best Books" list, and were looking for some good recent science titles. Or if you just wanted to read some good recent books about science.

OBDisclaimer: I do not have any direct financial stake in either of these ventures. I mention them only because I think they're kind of cool, and not because they're giving me (or Kate) a cut of the sales. Which they're not.

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