links for 2009-06-19


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Kevin Drum - Mother Jones Blog: Raw Data "Which groups did Obama do especially well with? That is, which groups did he swing by margins substantially more than 9 points?" (tags: us politics math statistics social-science society) Easily Distracted » Blog Archive » Appalachia and Other… Adolescent Literacy - William Farish: The World's Most Famous Lazy Teacher "Thomas Jefferson was arguably one of the most well-educated Americans of his time. He was well-read, thoughtful, knowledgeable in a wide variety of topics from the arts to the sciences, and the founder of the…
Stephen Huneck Gallery at Dog Mountain Vermont " I wanted to build a chapel, one that celebrated the spiritual bond we have with our dogs, and that would be open to dogs and people. People of any faith or belief system." (tags: dog religion art animals) Such Madness - New York Times Let the…
Science Channel Refuses To Dumb Down Science Any Further | The Onion - America's Finest News Source "Along with Bunting's remarks, the Science Channel issued a statement claiming that it currently airs more than 150 programming hours that are tangentially, and often laughably, related to science…