links for 2009-06-29


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Michael Bay And Shia LeBeouf Spitball Transformers 2 Ideas | Film | A.V. Club "Michael Bay: Okay, so boom goes the sphinx. Boom goes the pyramid. Boom! Boom! Boom! Go the HondaCivicstrons we positioned all around the entrance to the tomb. And then, whhhhhhhhiiiiiiirrrrr, click, clack, crunch,…
Star Formation: The Game | DISCOVER Magazine Play the Hand of God and place supernovae to produce star-forming regions in a cloud of gas. My best score is just over 2000. (tags: science astronomy games internet) Questions for Steven Chu - The Science Guy - The Green Issue - Interview - NYTimes.…
Faraday's Cage is where you put Schroedinger's Cat - Why you might want to live in ND... "My rural area friends have commented on this same trend. Most kids don't do anything unsupervised in cities and spend all of their time indoors. School is making this worse. Kids are being given ever more…
The Prodigal Academic: Quick tips for TT interviews "It is interview season in my fields, and we have a few searches going on here at ProdigalU (and keeping me out of trouble). I know I've blathered on about interviews here, here, and here before, but more tips can't hurt, right? Here are a few…