links for 2009-07-13


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Unscientific America: The Table of Contents | The Intersection | Discover Magazine 2009 promises to be a good year for science-y books by people with blogs. (tags: books science social-science society politics intersection culture) / Science fiction and fantasy / Blog posts / Is the…
Hulu - Cosmos All 13 episodes of Carl Sagan's landmark series. Because if you're going to watch video on your work computer, it might as well be something good. (tags: science astronomy television space video) / Science fiction and fantasy / Blog posts / Humorous Humanist Armageddon:… / Science fiction and fantasy / Stories / Shade by Steven Gould Teleporteurs sans frontieres. (tags: SF stories) Search Magazine - On God P.J. O'Rourke does his best Gregg Easterbrook impression. (tags: science religion stupid) Built on Facts : Falling from Heaven " If my opinion is…
Hope in a box: The A.V. Club's guide to holiday gifts for the new era of good feelings | The A.V. Club "Words like "need" or "necessary" lose all meaning around Christmas, even when the economy is collapsing. For example, does anyone actually need a flexible plastic case to prevent their bananas…