DonorsChoose: Now That's a Noble Cause

We're currently in the early stages of the annual DonorsChoose fundraiser, helping to raise money for educational projects. This is especially important in the current economic climate-- even before things went south, many schools and classrooms were strapped for cash, but now it's even worse.

But I can understand if that's not a noble enough cause for you. Helping poor people isn't enough for everyone. So here's something to sweeten the deal: PETA doesn't like DonorsChoose because some of the science classes seeking funds are looking for dissection equipment for biology classes. Janet gives a good rundown of the many reasons why this is stupid, but really, it doesn't take a philosopher. They're PETA, fer Chrissakes...

So, it's a two-fer. Three-fer, actually-- you can help kids in need, you can win an advance copy of my book (among other prizes), and you can thumb your nose at PETA. I can't promise that they'll suffer humiliations galore if you contribute, but I think this is enough to elevate DonorsChoose to the level of a Noble Cause.

So please contribute to my DonorsChoose challenge. I think I added at least one dissection-related project to the list, if you want to be specifically anti-PETA, but if you don't see one, let me know, and I'll add one.

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