Links for 2009-10-12


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Why tenure won't disappear, just shrink § Unqualified Offerings "1) Did you notice the part where I said I'd want a higher salary to compensate for having less security? Yeah. See, lots of people are willing to slave away in grad school and postdoc positions and adjunct positions in exchange…
What higher education costs § Unqualified Offerings "There's a lot of talk going around about the cost of higher education.  Let's look at some numbers in the state university system here, which focuses on undergraduate education." (tags: academia education economics blogs unqualified-offerings…
slacktivist: The Indignant Household Budget "[T]he pitiable thing is that here in reality -- as opposed to the smug fantasy world of this stock speech -- overtime and second jobs are exactly what many of those poor cheering fools in the audience are actually doing to try to make ends meet. The…
WINTER OLYMPICS: Robert Teklemariam will raise Ethiopia's flag | Richmond Times-Dispatch "On Monday in Vancouver, Robel Teklemariam will compete for Ethiopia in the 15-kilometer cross country skiing event. This will be his second Olympics but the first with his mother in attendance. To qualify,…