Links for 2010-04-30


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The Science and Entertainment Exchange: The X-Change Files: Tony Stark's Science "While the film naturally took some liberties with the details -- sci-fi has the luxury of not having to pass peer review -- Marvel Studios nonetheless cared enough about plausibility to ask the Science &…
Blue laser awesomeness : Dot Physics "Yes, green laser pointers are cool. Especially when you use them to make stuff fluoresce. Ok, what about a blue laser pointer? They are getting surprisingly cheap (Amazon has a 10 mW for pretty cheap). Still not cheap enough for me. But, you know what? Some…
Confessions of a Community College Dean: Business or Town? "Tenured Radical's thoughtful post on elite presidential salaries got me thinking about the "run the college like a business" canard. Most of the people who use that phrase, whether approvingly or damningly, haven't personally worked in…
Turn or go straight? Quick! : Dot Physics This is a classic problem. You are in a car heading straight towards a wall. Should you try to stop or should you try to turn to avoid the wall? Bonus question: what if the wall is not really wide so you don't have to turn 90 degrees? (tags: physics…