Links for 2010-06-18


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Somewhere on the internet, I came across this article on movie myths about guns. The article wasn't too bad, but I really liked this video they included from Arnold's movie Commando. The myth for this particular clip was that guns never run out of ammo in the movies. Right away, I…
The Virtuosi: How Long Can You Balance A (Quantum) Pencil "In this post I'd like to address a fun physics problem. How long can you balance a pencil on its tip? I mean in a perfect world, how long? No really. Think about it a second. Try and come up with an answer before your proceed. What…
The Virtuosi: Steak Dinner "I recently got a new digital meat thermometer. My plan was to slowly cook the steak until the internal temperature got to be about 140 degrees Fahrenheit with the oven at 200 degrees, take it out, wrap in tin foil, crank the oven to 500 degrees, stick it back in, and…
I've Gone and Done It Now: What It's Like Without the Muslim Headscarf « Inner Workings of My Mind "I experimented last week. I took off my hijab - the headscarf many Muslim women wear to cover their hair. I have been wearing a headscarf when I leave the privacy of my home for 25 years, since I…