Links for 2010-07-09


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The Kagan Hearings: Elena Kagan does her best John Roberts impression. (1) - By Dahlia Lithwick - Slate Magazine "Yet the ghost of [Thurgood] Marshall himself comes in for tremendous abuse today at the hands of Republican members of the committee. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., starts the ball rolling by…
YouTube - Look Around You - Maths (With download) "I happened upon this inspired bit of British comedy after watching Goodness Gracious Me (hit and miss). I was curious why there would be a ten minute show on TV. At first, I actually thought it was a children's instructional science program.…
Power and making § Unqualified Offerings "A colleague was complaining yesterday about the way that some faculty are treated better than others. Not so much in my department as in certain other departments. Some people, for a variety of reasons, probably do get a better deal (even if not to the…
The Science of Why We Don't Believe Science As someone who blogs about science and occasionally about politics, I am contractually obligated to link to this article. Fortunately, it's also good and interesting. (tags: psychology science politics neuroscience climate vaccine culture society cog-…