Links for 2010-07-27

  • "During Washington's presidency, of course, most Americans did not "possess alike liberty of conscience and immunities of citizenship." The man who wrote "to bigotry no sanction" also imagined he had the right to own other humans and the authority to vote on Martha's behalf. But yet we can see here in Washington's own words the inevitable, inexorable trajectory leading toward the 13th, 14th, 15th and 19th Amendments.

    Deprive any minority -- whether a religious minority, an a-religious minority, a disenfranchised gender or ethnic group or race or sexual orientation -- of the liberty of conscience and immunities of citizenship and you will have diminished liberty, devaluing it into mere "toleration," the condescending and conditional "indulgence" of the privileged ruling class. Screw that.

    "To bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance."

    Ok, then."

  • Reverse engineering California's most important culinary contribution to world culture.

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I've mentioned before being on the Worldview Weekend mailing list. This is basically a group of religious right types who meet, appropriately, in Branson fairly regularly. They send me a list of articles on their website every week and it's typically a source of much amusement. No group that…
Shtetl-Optimized » Blog Archive » Eight Signs A Claimed Pâ NP Proof Is Wrong "So, in the future, how can you decide whether a claimed Pâ NP proof is worth reading? I'll now let you in on my magic secrets (which turn out not to be magic or secret at all). The thing not to do is to worry about…
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Learning Curves: Verizon Wireless Reminds You to Silence Your Cell Phone During Class "I'm willing to put corporate logos on my PowerPoint slides if the Math Department gets to keep a decent share of the ad revenue. " (tags: academia education economics math silly) Pre-K students benefit when…