Links for 2010-11-14

  • "Here's the problem: most plans to reduce the long-term deficit consist of three things: shiny baubles, smoke and mirrors, and actual deficit reduction measures. You want to minimize the former and emphasize the latter, and on that score I don't think Simpson-Bowles does very well."
  • "Once lasers were invented however, high intensities became available. One of the more important discoveries was second harmonic generation, which happens when light of frequency f is sent into a medium with nonlinear properties and light of frequency 2f is generated. Most green laser pointers work this way, frequency-doubling infrared light of 1064 nm wavelength into visible green light of 532 nm wavelength.

    This second harmonic generation was first reported in Phys. Rev. Lett. 7, 118-119 (1961) by researchers at the University of Michigan with pulsed ruby laser light of around 3 kilowatts instantaneous power focused into a very tiny area. The paper they published is now unfortunately not just a famous paper in laser physics but a famous publishing screw-up in laser physics:"


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YouTube - Walk on water "Liquid Mountaineering is a new sport which is attempting to achieve what man has tried to do for centuries: walk on water. Or to be more precise: running on water. We are developing the sport from scratch. By accident we found out that with the right water repellent…
Philip Guo - On Popularity "In sum, whether you are popular in middle and high school is largely out of your control, so it is unreasonable to aspire to become popular if you are not already popular. From my experience, the happiest teenagers are the ones who have accepted their status in the…
$6/Kg to orbit -- "The fact is, there is only one problem worth speaking about in space development, and that is the problem of cost-to-orbit. It currently costs around $10,000/kg to launch anything at all. That price will never come down as long as chemical rockets are the…