Links for 2010-12-02


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The Microhistorical Unknown « Easily Distracted "One thing that frustrates me at times about "big history", world history or large-scale historical sociology is the extent to which historians writing in those traditions tend to assume that it's turtles all the way down, that the insights of big…
'When We Left Earth' Shows When Man Stretched to Reach the Moon - "Like many gadget-happy Americans, NASA took lots and lots of home movies. For this series it threw open the doors of its film and video archives, which have been transferred to stunning high-definition format." (tags:…
In Kansas, Climate Skeptics Embrace Green Energy - Series - The power of framing in action. (tags: science politics environment energy society culture religion media communication nytimes) Physics Buzz: Twin Paradox a Paradox in Low-Earth Orbit "Relativity enthusiasts will be…
slacktivist: TF: No heroes "Here is the scene LaHaye and Jenkins are stumbling toward: Nicolae sits in his office, meditating on his evil scheme and the worldwide suffering it will cause. In walks the hero. If that hero is anyone other than Buck Williams, then we're in for some fireworks. Pick a…