Links for 2010-12-08


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Confessions of a Community College Dean: An Unmarked Car "[A]t work, I can wear, say, a gray suit, and be both situationally appropriate and utterly impersonal. On dress down days, the alternate uniform of tie-less Oxford and khakis (or a close variant) gets the job done. There's nothing terribly…
The Quantum Pontiff : Twins in Donut Space Mmmmmm.... Paradoxical Donuts...... (tags: physics relativity theory) Laelaps : Preaching to the choir "Has there ever been a time when science has been highly valued by the general public? " (tags: science society class-war culture history)…
How to turn the GOP into a party of liberals - War Room - "July 28, 2011: Barack Obama announces he's had second thoughts, now fully endorses Boehner debt ceiling plan, "Cut, Cap and Balance," and Reid plan. His new bottom line? He'll accept anything Congress can pass, as long as it isn…
In the Fatosphere, Big Is in, or at Least Accepted - New York Times Tune in to the denialism blog for an explosion in 5... 4... 3... (tags: medicine food society blogs) Flagging economy needs science investments The head of Intel blasts Congress over the science funding debacle. (tags:…