Links for 2011-01-15

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YouTube - Look Around You - Maths (With download) "I happened upon this inspired bit of British comedy after watching Goodness Gracious Me (hit and miss). I was curious why there would be a ten minute show on TV. At first, I actually thought it was a children's instructional science program.…
slacktivist: Why oh why can't we have a better press corps? "Part of the answer to that question is that our newspapers are being asked to do something they were never designed to do and something they are fundamentally and structurally incapable of doing: they're being asked to provide…
Confessions of a Community College Dean: Teaching Governance "As an administrator, I'm constantly struck by the unacknowledged contradiction among many faculty between "consult us in all things" and "back off and leave us alone." It's not that I don't understand the impulse; depending on local…
Smarter people go to college, so average university students less intelligent? : Gene Expression "Remember that a substantial proportion of college graduates are less intelligent than a substantial proportion of those without college degrees. While the proportion of the population with college…