Links for 2011-04-12


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Nina Katchadourian Short stories told through pictures of book spines (tags: books literature pictures art stories language) Cognitive Daily: Do TV, movie and game ratings actually do any good? A good rule of thumb is that when a paper title asks a question the answer is "no." (tags: games…
Making Light: Epubbing the Backlist ""So," I said, "what the heck. Why not try republishing some of our short stories in electronic versions? All the cool kids are doing it...."             "Why not" included the fact that we didn't have electronic text versions of many of our stories. Stuff that…
Neil Fraser: Hardware: Lava Lamp Centrifuge "Would a Lava Lamp work in a high-gravity environment such as Jupiter? Would the wax still rise to the surface? Would the blobs be smaller and faster? With broad disagreement on the answers, I built a large centrifuge to find out." (tags: physics…
Ten photons per hour « A Quantum Diaries Survivor "The small speck of light shown in the upper left of the picture above, labeled as MGC 10-17-5, is actually a faint galaxy in the field of view of NGC3690. It has a visual magnitude of +15.7: this is a measure of its integrated luminosity as seen…