Links for 2011-05-30

  • "In my new book Starve Better, I talk about writing short subjects--both fiction and non-fiction--with an eye toward writing effectively and efficiently and making some money. Not good money so much as fast money. Relatively fast anyway, if slower than a weekly paycheck. For ten years I played the full-time freelance game before deciding to take a full-time job, and though I love predictable cash flow and dental insurance and paid time off and such, there are still plenty of things I miss about living the writing life twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. There are plenty of articles describing all the hardships writers face, and tons of statistics about how unlikely it is for a writer to "make it" in any real way, but there are lots of positives to the writing life, even for nobodies like me."
  • "Twitter has begun rolling out a new feature that lets users view the world through another perspective, specifically through the perspective of other specific people on Twitter. The new feature will appear on the /following page of any profile on the site and will display the most recent messages from the Twitter users that a profile owner is following. The page currently just shows who they are following.

    In other words: if you look at my profile on Twitter you can see not only who I am following but you can also see Twitter as I see Twitter. This might seem like a small change, but philosophically it's a big one. Two words come to mind: Empathy and Privacy."

  • "A bunch of you reading this are among the 45 million "working poor" in America, and if you're not, you know somebody who is. Like me.

    I'm not blaming anybody but myself for getting into this situation (I was drunk for two straight decades) and I'm not asking for anybody's sympathy. What I am saying is that people are quick to tell you to pick yourself up by your bootstraps and just stop being poor. What they don't understand is the series of intricate financial traps that makes that incredibly difficult.
    If you're not poor, that's awesome. I'm not mad at you, or jealous. Hopefully you'll never find out that ..."


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