Links for 2011-07-22

  • "As it turns out, we have a way to prevent gangs of humans from acting like savage packs of animals. In fact, we've developed entire disciplines based around this goal over thousands of years. We just ignore most of the lessons that have been learned when we create our communities online. But, by simply learning from disciplines like urban planning, zoning regulations, crowd control, effective and humane policing, and the simple practices it takes to stage an effective public event, we can come up with a set of principles to prevent the overwhelming majority of the worst behaviors on the Internet.

    If you run a website, you need to follow these steps. if you don't, you're making the web, and the world, a worse place. And it's your fault. Put another way, take some goddamn responsibility for what you unleash on the world."

  • "[L]et me propose instead a metaphor that I find more congenial for understanding the architecture of the political moment.

    Let's say you're a player for a perpetually losing sports team in a league where there's two or three teams that always dominate the competition year after year. Everyone but the die-hard fans have deserted you. Some of your former fans have just given up watching the sport altogether, some watch the winning teams diffidently from afar.

    It's a familiar scenario from a zillion sports films and even occasionally resembles the real-life narratives that emerge out of sports and games.

    As a member of the always-losing team, you have a few explanatory options, which then suggest a few possible ways to act:"


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