Links for 2012-02-10

  • Why the Proponents of a Gay Marriage Ban Will Soon Be Speechless - Slate Magazine

    So there you have it: That's the best case that can be made against gay marriage. An appeals court dissent that rests on the premise that states needn't act rationally, or offer evidence of rationality, or even be rational in creating classifications, so long as someone publishes a study and someone else believes it. That's the best they've got, it seems. That is not legal argument or empirical evidence. It is the death rattle of a movement that has no legal argument or empirical evidence.

  • Pants are Overrated - Hobbes And Bacon 03

    I don't know what this is like at all. Nope. No way.

  • A Big Night for the Big East's Best Rivalry - The Triangle Blog - Grantland

    There are upstate die-hards who still curse Sleepy Floyd's name, go into conniptions when they see a white hand towel, and recall every errant jumper that ever spun off the rims in the Carrier Dome. What I remember most are the players. There were Syracuse stars such as Pearl Washington, Derrick Coleman, Billy Owens, and Lawrence Moten. Georgetown's pantheon of heroes boasts names like Ewing, Mourning, Mutombo, and Iverson. But supporting characters were just as memorable. We rooted for local Orange products like John Wallace and Ryan Blackwell. We sneered at foes like Robert Churchwell and Irvin Church, both of whom seemed to spend a decade in Hoya colors. With the impending collapse of the Big East, Wednesday's game could be the last time the two teams play in the Carrier Dome.


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Another unexpected win for one of my teams. I think Jay Bilas put it pretty well when he said "I bet Jim Boeheim didn't expect to be playing his senior walk-ons in the final minute of a victory." A loss, maybe, but Syracuse winning 72-58 is a real surprise. This was a good old-fashioned Big East…
So, has anything been happening lately? Well, the Supreme Court got a big one right. Marriage equality is now the law of the land, which is a very good thing. There will be pockets of resistance for a while to come, but mostly this news has been met with the yawn it deserves. Of course gay…
Syracuse beat Providence yesterday, in a good old-fashioned Big East game-- on a critical late-game play, a Providence player got smacked across the face hard enough to turn his head, and no foul was called. He missed the shot, Syracuse got the rebound, and it was all over but the free-throw…
By now you have no doubt heard that a federal judge in California has struck down Proposition Eight, a voter referendum that outlawed gay marriage. Go here for a quick summary of the basic facts. I have not had a chance yet to read the entire decision, and I do not intend to attempt a legal…