Links for 2012-05-16

  • n+1: Lions in Winter, Part One

    A very long and thorough history of the New York Public Library, how its current plans to gut the main research library came about, and what they mean for the idea of a public research library.

  • Correcting the Record on College Graduates and Job Prospects by Joshua Tucker | Washington Monthly

    Using the same American Community Survey for 2009 and 2010 as Fogg and Harrington, but focussing on actual unemployment by major, Carnevale, Cheat and Strohl (Hard Times, Georgetown University, Center for Education and the Workforce, 2011) have similar findings (p. 7). Recent college graduates with a business major have a 7.4% unemployment rate, those with an arts degree have an 11.1% rate (with social science majors having an 8.9% rate and humanities/liberal arts students having a 9.4% rate). Combining these two studies, it is clear that being an arts major does not compel one to, at best, discussing supersizing with customers, nor does being a business major totally guard against that. Yes, business majors do better in the job market, and they make more money in their entry level positions than do arts majors ($39,000/yr vs. $$30,000/yr), but is this enough to tell everyone to flock into undergraduate business schools?

  • Am I Mom Enough? A Motherhood Wish List - 24 Hour Workday -

    The [infamous Time cover] story also made me think about what I wanted to teach Andrew--I mean really teach him. I'm not talking about the trendy must-dos that crop up each year about feeding and sleeping and discipline, insecurity porn concocted just in time to fill a fresh generation of parents with self-doubt. No, I'm talking about the things that I want to impart in average, totally inextreme moments, when my breasts are covered and my skinny jeans are in the wash. Here's my wish list.


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