Eureka Publicity: Blurbs and Talks

Eureka: Discovering Your Inner Scientist has officially been sent to the printers, so we're at the phase of things where I don't have anything to do but think about publicity. There are some reviews forthcoming, at least one of which I'm very happy about, but I'll share more about that when it becomes public. I've also picked up some nice blurbs from very smart folks:

"I know, I know, you think you're just not smart enough to be a scientist. Chad Orzel might convince you otherwise with Eureka. Drawing on basketball, stamp collecting, Angry Birds, Iron Chef, and Antiques Roadshow among his many colorful examples, he ably demonstrates that science is not a rarefied alien endeavor performed solely by those with genius IQs. It's a process, and a way of thinking about the world available to all. Surprise! You're probably committing acts of science every day."—Jennifer Ouellette, author of The Calculus Diaries and Me, Myself and Why

"Chad Orzel is absolutely right: everyone has a scientist inside them, eager to burst out and look at the world in a new way. This book provides great examples that will inspire you to let your inner scientist free."—Sean Carroll, theoretical physicist at Caltech and author of The Particle at the End of the Universe

"Many people are curious about the natural world, but few consider themselves scientists. Using an engaging array of examples of scientific discovery—some recent, others drawn from history—Chad Orzel takes readers on a wonderful tour of how scientists think."—David Kaiser, Germeshausen Professor of the History of Science, MIT and author of How the Hippies Saved Physics: Science, Counterculture, and the Quantum Revival

"Chad Orzel's previous two books were just fine and dandy. However, this one is awesome. If anyone wants an insight into nature and the process of science, this is the book to get. Chad uses his witty writing style along with historical stories to show that science is part of our human nature.
Do you have a non-scientist friend? They will love this book. Or maybe your friend is a scientist—yup, it's for scientists too.”—Rhett Allain, Professor of Physics at Southeastern Louisiana University and author of WIRED Magazine’s Dot Physics

It's both an honor and a relief to get these: an honor because these are super-smart people whose work I admire, and a relief because I've spent so long on this book that I began to worry that it really only makes sense inside my head. I'm thrilled to at least partially dispel that.

The other thing I'm starting to think about is public appearances in support of this, of which there are currently none scheduled (unless you count my fill-in appearance at the Union College Physics and Astronomy Colloquium tomorrow...). I am, however, generally happy to go places and talk about my books. So if you are or know someone who books talks, or bookstore events, panel discussions, podcasts, etc. and who could use someone to do a "Science is Awesome!" kind of thing with fun historical anecdotes and everyday examples, drop me a line. It's pretty likely we can work something out.

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