Conservationists discover new "punk" bird

Conservationists have discovered a new species of bird in the cloud forests of Colombia:

A colorful new bird has been discovered in a previously unexplored Andean cloud forest, spurring efforts to protect the area, conservation groups said Monday.

The bright yellow and red-crowned Yariguies brush-finch was named for the indigenous tribe that once inhabited the mountainous area where it was discovered.

For conservationists the discovery of the species came at a crucial time -- the government has decided to set aside 500 acres of the pristine cloud forest where the bird lives to create a national park.


"The bird was discovered in what is the last remnants of cloud forest in that region," Camila Gomez, of the Colombia conservation group ProAves, said on Monday. "There are still lots of undiscovered flora and fauna species that live in the area."

The small bird can be distinguished from its closest relative -- the yellow-breasted brush finch -- by its solid black back and the lack of white marks on its wings.

I dig this bird's mohawk. It suggests that the bird is secure with itself and does not care what the other birds think.


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Thufferin Thuckatash! Quite a Delectible Little Morsel...Excuse me while I go get my Napkin, I mean my Scientific Tweety Bird-Watching Journal!

Please send a sample ASAP to
Sylvester The Cat
c/o Looney Tunes Studios,
HollywoodCA 90210. Visit me online at:

By Sylvester The Cat (not verified) on 11 Oct 2006 #permalink

He would make an excellent addition to the cast of Indie Tits. (Which, amazingly, is safe for work.)