Interesting Articles on Politics and the Like

I have a bunch of articles on politics here that I have been perusing.

Free Exchange has a post on the moral benefits of growth. One of them is that it is prerequisite to the creation of jobs that allow women to be equal. They also have a post from a bit back about Europe's emerging demographic issues with respect to paying for the welfare state.

Ronald Bailey from Reason argues that the alternative energy proposals other than solar are fine and good, but they will be insufficient to meet our energy needs of the next 100 years. Plenty of cheap solar is going to be necessary.

Roger Pielke from Prometheus analogizes tilting climate science to cooking the books on intelligence. Unfortunately with respect to Robert Gates, the nominee for Secretary of Defense, he expects more of the same.

Michael Barone argues for the relative success -- in spite of negative coverage -- of the Medicare D drug program. He also looks at the prospects and the wisdom of a minimum wage hike. It looks like increasing the Earned Income Tax Credit would be more effective.


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