Encephalon #15 is up


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The reignited Encephalon is up at Sharp Brains. The next Encephalon is being hosted on March 3rd at Mind Hacks. Email encephalon{dot}host{at}gmail{dot}com to submit.
I want to blog, but I'm trying to catch up with grading and grant-writing and such in the aftermath of the PSA. I won't offer a detailed list of excuses like some bloggers I could name. (However, I will say that I'm going to check WebMD to see if intracranial bleeding is a normal reaction to a…
You may remember Encephalon, a biweekly neuroscience carnival, that we used to participate in regularly. Well, it kind of lapsed there for a bit because the organizer, Mo, was very understandably busy with other things. Sharp Brains has graciously agreed to reorganize it. The first Encephalon of…
Hourglass VI: A carnival of biogerontology is up on Ouroboros Encephalon 60, A Neuroscience Blog Carnival, is up on Living the Scientific Life Grand Rounds 5:12 - Healthcare Reform Q&A - is up on Sharp Brains