Political Quote for Today

Not really a fan of Jonah Goldberg, but damn this is funny:

It's been rumored that McClellan was hired by the Bush White House to appeal to a specific sub-constituency: pasty middle-aged men with a thumbless grasp of the English language. The veracity of this rumor has long been undermined by the assumption that Bush had locked down this constituency all on his own.

Whatever the justification for McClellan's tenure, he succeeded in showing that the inability to communicate and the incapacity to deal with the press artfully are not insurmountable obstacles to one's dream of rising to the position of White House press secretary.

You don't really need to read the rest, but you can if you want. All I know is that Ari Fleischer was a least mildly glib, and Scott McClellan had a dear-in-headlights look for like three years -- a look that makes you wonder whether he understood the questions posed to him. Press briefings under the McClellan tenure had all of the give and take of a daily public execution in Times Square.

Sad, sad shit is this.


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Deer, deer! You may think McClellan was a dear, but most of us found him rather unappealing, whether he was in the headlights or not.

Makes one nostalgic for the Press Secretaries of the Nixon years, doesn't it?


Goldberg? Really? The who thinks people with Darwin fishes on their cars are 'smug' (Pot/kettle/black) and that torture is just A-OK?

By Slow Twitch Synapse (not verified) on 17 Jun 2008 #permalink