Department of Awesome

I have two new favorite websites: The "Blog" of "Unnecessary" Quotation Marks and Say What?. Both have been cracking me up all weekend.

I think that this one is my favorite at "Blog".

I am just confused. I mean I think that a "No Sex Policy" reflects a more realistic understanding of "Teens" behavior than a No Sex Policy. But what the hell is "Rape" and "Child Molestation"? How are these acts performed ironically?

This is priceless too. The implication, I assume, is that you will be limited to a single puppy for public health purposes.

Are you feeling any "Chest Pain"?

Definitely read the comments.

Then over at Say What? we have this. How much clarification could have been saved with a single hyphen. All we know is that Einstein must be stopped.

This is just disturbing.

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My favourite, seen many years ago:
"Ears pierced 'while U wait'"

By Richard Simons (not verified) on 18 Jan 2009 #permalink