PSA: Participants needed for research on why we leave academic jobs

i-9dc84d4d9156dccb30d5f62466b4219a-swblocks.jpgAnother PSA from the good folks at Rice University's ADVANCE program. Please help them out if this applies to you.

Dear Colleague:

I'm writing to ask you if you would be willing to participate in a study that I am conducting at Rice University.

It is important research and is attempting to understand the experiences and decision-making processes that occur when talented faculty voluntarily decide to leave their academic institutions and go elsewhere (e.g., either another academic institution or a nonacademic alternative).

If you have EVER been employed at one university/college and voluntarily left this one for another academic (or nonacademic) job (not just those who left for another job, those who left and stopped working should be included as well), you are eligible to take part. In taking part in the survey, you should consider the most recent academic job you left and why you decided to leave that institution. We are NOT interested in the experiences of those who retired or reached the end of a predetermined contract.

The survey takes 15-20 minutes to complete and is located at:

The survey has been approved by Rice University's Institutional Review Board and if you have any questions about it, you are welcome to email me back or the study director (Mikki Hebl) at

Thank you so much for possibly being willing to help our team of researchers,

Mikki Hebl

Associate Professor of Industrial Psychology and


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