Quick Picks on ScienceBlogs, July 28


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The American Medical Association has called for a temporary ban on all direct-to-consumer advertising for prescription drugs. Sounds 'elitist'? Well, so are professional sports. But only an idiot would trust Madison Avenue over his or her doctor. (an aside: I'm not an MD. I just have the…
I love trees, but trees covered in insects aren't usually my cup of tea. 'Till now. One of the reasons I chose my house was the giant maple tree by the front porch. The foliage provides shade and privacy in the summer and a terrific Halloween backdrop in the fall. So, a few weeks ago, when I…
"Platensimycin: Putative New Class of Antibiotic Medication" Scientists from Merck report on a previously unknown class of antibiotic. "A Necessary Twist (Values, part IV)" Why can't we picture a fifth dimension? Stretch your mind with the fourth installment in Karmen's series, complete with…
The House and Senate have both passed legislation that renews the FDAâs user-fee system and enacts some important reforms. The process has been rushed because FDA is running dangerously low on funds; President Bush will need to sign the legislation today if the FDA is to avoid sending termination…