Technology Weekly Update

In this post: the large versions of the Technology channel photo, comments from readers, and the best posts of the week.


Technology. Old robotics engineering equipment in Bristol, England. From Flickr, by crabchick

Reader comments of the week:

At Journalism schools behind the times, Coturnix of A Blog Around the Clock highlights Anna Taylor, a journalism student at NYU. Taylor, blogging at PBS, claims that new media is not being represented in the classroom, with her professors focusing on traditional print media at the expense of blogs. Even worse, she claims that her professors don't understand the web, are out of touch with technology, and prepare students for a media environment that no longer exists. And all of this in a class called Reporting Gen Y (a.k.a. Quarterlifers).

Reader Alan Knight doesn't agree that blogging skills are more important to teach than traditional journalism:

Alana Taylor's interesting report might have benefited from conventional journalist practices; sourced interviews, references to documents etc..
Sadly part of the problem with bloggers (and too many journalists) is that they confuse unsourced opinion with fact.

Meanwhile, over at Island of Doubt, James Hrynyshyn worries whether all this technology is actually helping us get more done in Driven to Distraction. How often do you check your email? Is it too often? Does it keep you from getting other work done? James and I would help you answer those questions, but we're too busy answering reader emails.

However, reader speedwell has time to respond, which is odd, because he seems to be on email all day:

I support over two thousand users as the front line support tech for an engineering database, so the best approximation for how frequently I check my e-mail is "constantly except for bathroom breaks."

If speedwell can take the time to post on Sciblogs with a schedule like that, maybe I need to get better organized.

Some other Technology posts we thought were cool this week were:

The Trayless Lunch

Televisual Wonders

Sick Building Syndrome as a Problem of Design and Expertise: Part II with author Michelle Murphy

Shaking Up Computer History: Finding the Women of ENIAC

Happy LHC Day!

Look for highlights from other channels coming up!


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