In Ethan Siegel's ongoing treatment of dark energy on Starts With A Bang!, he considers a number of alternative explanations for the dimming of redshifted supernovae. Could photon-axion oscillations be to blame, or does a "grey dust" pervade our universe? In another post, Siegel appreciates that our galaxy smells like raspberries and rum, and not, for example, Uranus. His diss to Andromedans: "I bet you stink compared to us!" For more things unseen, Greg Laden on Collective Imagination points us to Kameraflage, a technology that writes secret messages and draw pictures only visible to a digital camera. Finally, open your eyes for a stellar image of our galactic center on Dynamics of Cats, courtesy of Steinn Sigurðsson.
Links below the fold.
- Dark Energy: Where did the Light go? (Part 3) on Starts With A Bang!
- Your galaxy stinks! on Starts With A Bang!
- Images Only Visible Through a Digital Camera on Collective Imagination
- Great Observatories View of the Milky Way Centre on Dynamics of Cats
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