Since 2006, Bora Zivkovic of A Blog Around the Clock has been in charge The Open Laboratory, a series of collections of -- as the subtitle says - the best science writing on blogs. The "open" in this case is not only about exposing the inner workings of science, but the democratic and transparent process by which the entries are created and selected. At the helm of each edition is a rotating editor; our own Scicurious was in charge of last year's. And a little more than a month after Open Lab 2009 hit the virtual bookshelves, the process begun anew for 2010. Bora has just announced that this year's editor will be Ben Young Landis, a science writer, blogger and communications fellow at the North Carolina Sea Grant. The call for entries for the 2010 edition has already gone out, so give Ben your best shot!
Links below the fold...
- Introducing the Open Laboratory 2010 editor
You can now start submitting your blog posts for the Open Laboratory 2010- Announcing Open Lab, 2009!!!
You can click the badge up top to go to the official entry form, or just follow this link, but discussion of early front-runners is of course encouraged in the comments. Bora has some suggestions in his original call for entries post, include the two I would pick strictly off the top of my head: Observations of a Nerd: Evolution: The Curious Case of Dogs and Living the Scientific Life (Scientist, Interrupted): Made for Each Other: Evolution of Monogamy in Poison Frogs.
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