Love: A Four-Letter Word

For the last few years, Claire L. Evans and friends have been producing a television show designed to teach computers about the human experience. On Valentine's Day, the term technophile got a new meaning on Universe. Claire explains, "we made some valentines for you and your computer to share. After all, you do spend all day staring at each other." On Pharyngula, PZ Myers looks at love throughout the animal kingdom, including among tortoises and penguins who look downright ecstatic in their couplings. Meanwhile, Mike the Mad Biologist encourages forethought before foreplay, showing us a pie chart of all the services that Planned Parenthood provides. Contraception and STD testing take up equal slices; so be smart, and be safe, or just take it slow. Brush up on the science of kissing on Page 3.14, where Dean Toney shares insights on Sheril Kirshenbaum's new book. Then visit The Thoughtful Animal for Jason G. Goldman's latest article in The Guardian, which outlines seven scientific strategies to seal the deal. And remember, no matter who (or what) you love, today's as good a day as any to tell it how you feel.

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