Next Talk: Center for American Progress, June 19

In our last major talk of the summer here in DC, on Tues. June 19 we will be delivering our Speaking Science 2.0 presentation at the Center for American Progress. Breakfast is served at 830am. The talk and discussion follows from 10 to 1130am. The Center has all the details here.

CAP senior fellow and former assistant Energy secretary Joseph Romm will be hosting the event. He's the author of the terrific new book Hell and High Water: Global Warming-The Solution and the Politics and also contributes the popular Climate Progress blog.

As was the case earlier this month at the New York Academy of Sciences, we expect a very large turn out and a healthy discussion to follow. Hopefully readers in the Beltway area can make it out.

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In our last major talk of the summer here in DC, on Tues. June 19 we will be delivering our Speaking Science 2.0 presentation at the Center for American Progress. Breakfast is served at 830am. The talk and discussion follows from 10 to 1130am. The Center has all the details here. CAP senior…
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Thank you for the important work you and Chris are doing in promoting this concept to the science community - and those deeply interested in science policy issues. I attended this session and was pleased to have the opportunity to think more deeply about the ideas about which you have written.

One observation from this morning at the Center for American Progress. I appreciate that you and Chris did not select the persons to ask questions after your talk. But did you happen to notice who they were and do you wonder the choices that were made "framed" your ideas?

Might the conversation have been different if the questions had come only from the women in the room? As it was, only one of the eight questioners was a woman - though others had raised hands and had been overlooked.

In your talk you did not speak to any role that race and gender might play in the framing of science communications. And while I appreciate this only adds complexity to your efforts to persuade many scientists that they indeed already "frame" their communication practices, I think you would find many fellow travelers among women and those underrepresented in science - if you were more intentional about inviting them into the conversation.

Best wishes,

By Ric Weibl (not verified) on 19 Jun 2007 #permalink